Reasons To Have A Funeral Service Even Though You Don't Really Want One

When you pass on, your loved ones honor you in their special way. When you pay for your funeral services in advance, your loved ones don't have to worry about the costs associated with a funeral and can simply go through their grief and the other stages of loss in an easier, less distracted way.

You don't have to have a funeral service, and not everyone has one. It's a personal choice. However, there are benefits to having a funeral service even if you don't plan on having one when you pass on, and the benefits are largely for your family that will be left behind. Here are reasons to have a funeral service even though you don't really want one.

Your loved ones will likely have one anyway

Even if you list that you don't want to have any funeral services in your will or as a testament to your family members, they will want a way to honor you when you pass on. They may have a funeral service in your honor anyway, spending their own time and money to do so. While this is certainly their choice, it takes away some of your control in the situation since you are no longer around when the funeral services occur.

You can gain more control and help keep your family from spending time and money on funeral services by simply paying for a small funeral service in advance. You get peace of mind knowing you get to be remembered largely the way you wish without causing your family any undue financial and emotional stress. Your family left behind gets peace of mind knowing they have a way to honor you when you pass.

You get to stay in control

A funeral service doesn't have to be a large deal that involves a lot of things. It can simply be a great service that involves family sharing some fond memories and following a loved one to their final resting place. It can even involve simply saying a few words around an urn. You're in control of your funeral services when you arrange your final celebration yourself, which means you can make your funeral service as ornate or simple as you want to.

Should you not have a funeral service at all, you have no way of knowing how your family will honor or remember you, if at all. This may not be a bother to you, but it can leave lasting confusion for those left behind. Speak to a funeral director to learn more about how to arrange a funeral service even if you don't really want something big.

439 Words

About Me

Funeral Planning Made Simple It can be a difficult time for the entire family after a loved one passes away. While some people pre-plan their funerals to make it easier for their loved ones after they pass away or create legal wills that outline how they would like their funerals performed, others leave the funeral planning process up to their loved ones. Thankfully, this process does not have to be difficult when you learn all of the funeral planning steps ahead of time and tackle each step with confidence. The firs step to planning a funeral is choosing a funeral home. The funeral home staff can assist you with the funeral planning process every step of the way. We created this blog to help people like you learn how to tackle the funeral planning process with ease. We hope we can make planning your loved one's funeral easier and less stressful.

